Truth About Cold Sore
Truth About Cold Sore

Cold Sore Home Remedies

Sorting out the medicine from the myth

When you have a cold sore, you want to act on it quickly. You may end up trying remedies that friends, family or health websites recommend, but find that these aren’t reducing healing time.

Some remedies may only offer temporary symptom relief and others have the potential to make the cold sore worse. With lots of anecdotal evidence out there, let’s sort the medicines from the myths.

You can stop the spread and protect others from the virus by following these simple and effective tips.

Although these remedies may help with temporary symptom relief, or prevention of bacterial infection, they are not clinically proven to treat and reduce the healing time of a cold sore like Zovirax Cold Sore Cream.

If you have any questions regarding cold sore treatments and remedies, your pharmacist is the best person to offer advice.

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Treat your cold sore fast with Zovirax Cold Sore Cream

Zovirax cold sore cream

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Find out more about the cold sore virus

What are cold sores?

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